
Trees for all

Proud to announce that Teleconsult has made another step in our commitment to be a sustainable company!

We are thrilled to share that we have compensated our CO2 caused by our flights in 2022 through Trees for All.  This demonstrates our dedication
to reducing our carbon footprint and contributing to a greener future. By supporting reforestation projects,
Trees for All aims to restore and preserve forests around the globe, combat climate change, and create a positive impact on local communities.

We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to their mission. At Teleconsult, sustainability is a core value that we integrate
into every aspect of our operations. We believe that it is our responsibility to prioritize the well-being of our planet for future generations.
Carbon offsetting is one of our ongoing efforts and demonstrates commitment to environmental stewardship.

Together, we will continue to explore innovative ways to minimize our ecological footprint and actively contribute to a more sustainable world.

We invite you to join us on this journey towards a greener future.

Read more here.

Doctors without borders

With a strong desire to give back, Teleconsult actively sponsors Doctors Without Borders, an organization that holds a special place in our hearts. It is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) of French origin known for its projects in conflict zones, during natural disasters and in countries affected by endemic diseases.

Today, Doctors Without Borders remains steadfast in its dedication to providing crucial assistance and medical care to people facing crises all over the globe. With an extensive network of more than 65,000 humanitarian workers spread across 70 countries, they swiftly respond to those affected by natural disasters, disease outbreaks, conflicts, and wars. The organization’s unwavering commitment to remaining neutral, impartial, and independent ensures that aid reaches anyone, anywhere, without discrimination.

The exceptional efforts of Doctors Without Borders have not gone unnoticed. In 1999, they were rightfully honored with the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize, recognizing the tremendous impact of their selfless work on promoting peace and alleviating suffering.

As we stand in solidarity with this noble cause, we are inspired by the tireless dedication of Doctors Without Borders and share their vision of creating a world where access to quality healthcare knows no boundaries. Together, we forge ahead, making a positive impact and providing hope to those facing the most challenging circumstances. Through our support, we believe in contributing to a better, healthier, and more compassionate world for all. Read more about them here.


Details on the pictures below:

1.The medical team of Doctors Without Borders is taking care of a patient in the intensive care unit of the “medical train,” which is used to evacuate severely injured or sick individuals to safer parts of Ukraine. Photo: Andrii Ovod.

2.The water specialists of Doctors Without Borders are installing a water pump in Cross River state in Nigeria. Due to the massive influx of people fleeing, there was a significant shortage of water points. Photo: Albert Masias.

3.Members of the emergency response team of Doctors Without Borders arrive in Buzi, Mozambique, to assess the needs after Cyclone Idai devastated large parts of the country. Photo: Pablo Garrigos.

Untitled Design

United Nations

The Stop TB Partnership, a United Nations organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, spearheads the global fight against TB, uniting 1600 partner organizations worldwide. TB, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, claims 1.5 million lives annually, particularly impacting those with HIV and contributing to antimicrobial resistance.

TB remains a global health threat, and we are determined to be part of the solution. Our collaboration with the United Nations’ Stop TB Program is dedicated to ending the global TB epidemic. Through this partnership, our radiologists screen thousands of chest X-Rays in the quest for a TB-free world.

Together, we work tirelessly to combat TB.

Read more here.