Routine Reporting
Over 70 hospitals and clinics across Scandinavia, Europe and the UK count on us as their reliable colleagues for prompt delivery of high quality reports.
We're there when you need us
Anytime you need our support, our teleradiology solutions will give you access to the sub-specialist radiologist you need
As fast as you want
Reports will be provided within the timeframe of your choice
You can rely on our reporting quality
We have implemented quality control programs on all our processes, from radiologist recruitment to report content
Quick set up
Our IT specialists will ensure quick and flawless connectivity, enabling you to safely send studies our way
You can focus on most relevant tasks
Our routine reporting helps you free up time to focus on MDT's, research or teaching

Urgent Reporting
In a critical setting you can rely on our on-call doctors for fast expert reporting and the best possible communication.
Access to specialist radiologists at any time, all year round
our urgent reporting service means your hospital always has immediate access to radiologists after your team has completed work for the day
Oncall radiologists working day time hours
your critical studies will be interpreted by accredited radiologists who report in daytime hours in selected time zones
Rapid turnaround times
you will receive our after hours radiology reports within 20 minutes for polytrauma, 30 minutes for thrombolysis stroke and 60 minutes for all other examinations
Communication is key
our out of hours team supervised by a clinical lead provide reliable guidance during acute situations
Less pressure
your team will experience less pressure as the need for working after hours is reduced. This helps you build a strong team with an optimum work-life balance, which in turn attracts and retains the best talent.

Women's Imaging Reporting
Teleconsult are pleased to announce it now offers dedicated Women’s Imaging radiologists with various national accreditations as part of our teleradiology service. In recent years our breast radiologists screened over 2.000.000 mammographies for multiple (national prevention) programs. Today our expanded offering includes reporting for:
Screening mammographies
Breast Ultra Sound reporting
Breast MRI reporting

Clinical Trials
Expert Readers for your clinical trial
Our services include:
- Independent Central Review (ICR) of clinical trial medical images
- Subspecialized radiology and image analysis experts
The use of centralized and standardized assessments of medical imaging in the various development phases of new drugs and biologics continues to grow year over year. More than 35% of all multi-center clinical trials initiated by the pharmaceutical and biotech industry have a medical imaging component for assessing safety, efficacy and/or eligibility. In order to minimize the variability of the analysis of all those scans, the assessment of the imaging component is usually being standardized as much as possible. In many cases this centralized work is being outsourced to highly specialized Imaging Core Labs. These Core Labs will have to have access to an increasing capacity of experienced and appropriately certified radiologists to analyze all these clinical trial medical images.
Teleconsult provides experienced Expert Reader capacity for a variety of therapeutic indications, involving a wide variety of imaging modalities and many different reading methodologies. This list of quantitative assessments includes, but is certainly not limited to the following oncology response criteria:
- RECIST 1.0/1.1
- Cheson/Lugano
- RANO/McDonald
- Choi
Do not hesitate to contact us if your study requires a specific methodology. Undoubtedly we will be able to locate an experienced and available reader in our continuously growing network of radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians.

Onsite Ambassador
As an experienced provider Teleconsult understands that one of the biggest challenges to overcome can be the disconnect between your in-house Radiology team and our remote radiologists. Ideally our remote radiologists would be familiar with your in-house culture way of working and communicating. That would make our cooperation even more efficient and “natural”.
To bridge this disconnect and to turn our outsourced service into an extension of your department, we have developed our unique Ambassador Program.
What this means practically is that your radiology department is assigned a Teleconsult Ambassador, selected with your unique requirements in mind.
A Teleconsult Ambassador is a subspecialist radiologist who will act as a Primary point of Contact for clinical communication between your department and the Teleconsult Radiologist team. It is the Ambassador´s task to inform the Teleconsult radiologist team about your in-house culture and specific ways of working in order to optimally meet your reporting requirements. In addition the Ambassador can offer on-site support on a regular basis. We could also introduce several ambassadors based on specialty (rotating as needed).
Key Elements of the Ambassador Program include:
- Primary point of contact for referring physicians and in-house radiologists
- Communicator to Teleconsult remote radiologists
- On-Site availability for MDT meetings, reporting and sub-specialty training
- Provide ongoing relevant feedback
- Overview and engagement in the Teleconsult QAP (Quality Assurance Program)
Systems Integration
Over the years we grew into integration experts. We aim for the highest level of interoperability with our client’s platform
for secure access to prior imaging and a reliable flow of reports into their systems.
On a daily basis the integration architects and engineers of Meditecs overcome the most complex integration challenges across radiology and other healthcare platforms. Caduceus is part of the Teleconsult Group and offer interoperability services to hospitals, laboratories, pharmaceutical and insurance companies.
Meditecs Connect Engine
Meditecs Connect Engine is a single point of access for data connectivity, interoperability and collaboration across healthcare platforms and systems. Leverage your current platform capabilities through seamless interoperability between instances.
Meditecs Integration Support
We seamlessly integrate your healthcare platform with your client's or supplier's systems.
Meditecs Expert Panel
Let our experts help you leverage your system's capabilities using interoperability.